I am starting a new job next week. I have so many mixed feelings about it. The good news is that I will get a paycheck. :-) The job is temporary to start. So after the initial "getting to know you" phase, then we will see if we like each other well enough to commit to the relationship.
Today, I took a drive to see how long it will take me to get there. It took me about 35 minites to get there going the "least use of freeways" route. On the way home, I took the "fastest" route which saved me about 5 minutes, not that big of a deal.
The down sides are that I will have to pay $75 a month for parking, a longer commute, and later hours before I will get home. I am probably looking at getting home about 6:45pm. Those are the things that are kind of bothering me.
I really don't know a whole lot about the job. So it's possible that I could love the job and the people. If I am hired on as permanent, then the benefits are pretty good from what I understand.
I am very nervous about this, especially since I am not really sure what I want to do.
I will still persue my Real Estate career and really hope that takes off for me. I'd like the flexibility of the job.
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10 hours ago